Macro economic indicators (2006)
GDP at current prices | $13,225 billion |
Inhabitants | 299.7 million |
GDP per head | $44,071 |
Economic growth rate | +3.3% |
Consumer confidence indicator | 99.6 |
Unemployment rate | 4.7% |
Consumer Price Index | 4.0% |
Banking Importance | 20.8% |
Number of branches | 92,000 |
Number of ATMs | 420,000 |
Households savings ratio | 0.5% |
Inflation rate | +3.2% |
Interest rate, consumer credit | 13.21% |
Interest rate, residential | 6.22% |
Number of credit cards | 1,46 billion |
Type and size of players
Total Banking Income and Cost/Income Ratio
(Operating Expenses/Total Banking Income)
Total Deposits in US$ (31.12.2006 )
Customer Experience
• Banks are beginning to design products that cross customer silos:
- Customers in the past have had varying experiences and disparities in service quality across channels (branch, phone, internet) and across products (mortgage, etc.)
- Banks are beginning to improve and align processes like product applications and cross-selling
• Interactive products are increasing as customers become more comfortable using the internet:
- Banks expected to offer new products geared towards online self-service interactions
• Branch locations are increasing in number and being renovated:
- Self-service channels (ATM, phone, internet) are not effective for customer acquisition and cross-selling
- Branch locations are to be used as sales platforms by leveraging retail practices such as product displays, merchandising and layouts (demographic targeting)
Marketing / Target Products
• Faced with strong competition, banks are becoming more proactive with their marketing initiatives:
- Customer acquisition strategies being replaced by efforts to cross-sell products and services with marketing campaigns around specific customer interactions
• Continued investment in non-core product offerings:
- In redefining their marketing strategies, banks remain attracted to products traditionally offered by Financial Services companies
• Competition with Financial Services firms for retirement assets:
- Banks are marketing 401K programs to corporations in order to gain access to their employees in expectation of cross-selling other products and services
M&A Overload
• Recent acquisitions have resulted in some large banks having huge asset totals that must be earning returns for investors:
- Heated competition and sophistication in targeting loan offers to consumers